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Tuesday 6 January 2015

2015: MEND Blasts Jonathan, Backs Buhari For Presidency

 The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has suprisingly pledged its full support to the All Progressives’ Congress (APC) candidate Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (rtd).

MEND in a statement released by their spokesperson, Jomo Gbomo said its decision was due to the need for the nation to grow out of the crunching effects of corruption.
The claimed that Jonathan has in the last few years showed a non caring attitude to the unrelenting degradation of the Niger Delta environment, taking a hard stance on the increasing level of oil theft in the region.
They said that the president doesn’t deserve to have a second term and praised former military general Buhari.
The group praised Buhari proposal to close the office of the first lady, which they said is draining the nation’s funds and has been used as a conduit to steal money across all levels of government.
“Our decision to throw our full support on Gen. Mohammadu Buhari stems from the pathetic state in which the country has been put by the government of Goodluck Jonathan and our strong believe in Buhari as the man and change the country needs.
“President Goodluck Jonathan does not deserve a second more in the Presidency as soon as his tenure expires as he has continuously and blatantly disregarded the very people who voted him into office.

“A President that told Nigerian to their faces that he does not ‘give a damn’ when asked to declare his assets. A requirement that is constitutional on assuming the office of the President.
“President Jonathan, since assuming his office, has setup countless committees, whose reports have never been implemented. From the Nuhu Ribadu report to the KPMG and fuel subsidy reports, just to mention a few.
“How can Nigerians expect a highly corrupt person like Goodluck Jonathan to fight corruption when he believes that stealing is not corruption, as he shamelessly told the Nation?
“He has proven beyond all reasonable doubt, his inability to tackle corruption or prosecute a single government official in his six years in office.
“MEND finds it laughable the recent statement by Goodluck Jonathan on his government’s plan to fight corruption. This statement not only smacks of ignorance of the highest order, but also shows just how stupid he thinks Nigerians are. A president that had six years to tackle the problem but chose to shield corrupt government officials, joined in the looting of our resources and now has the temerity to say his government has a plan to fight corruption. This is a big slap in the face of every single Nigerian!

“We re-state our disregard and lack of confidence in President Goodluck Jonathan. Rather than address the perennial issues in the country responsible for his administrations failures, he is concentrating government funds in a campaign of misinformation intended to hoodwink Nigerians who, unfortunately for him, are now wiser and smarter than he is.
“Goodluck Jonathan’s actions, utterances and arrogance prove that he is totally disconnected with the situation facing the ordinary Nigerian and completely out of touch with reality.”
 This is a major backing for Buhari’s campaign, Jonathan has always been said to have the south south come election day.

Thursday 1 January 2015

SHOCKING!! REVEALED: How 10 ships owns by Jonathan’s wife, manned by the Navy illegally bunkering Nigeria’s oil – Eramus Ikhide


Those involved in oil bunkering do not fetch crude oil with bowls or buckets. They do so with cargo ships, Marine tankers and ocean liners and, they are known. It’s alleged that the wife of Mr President, Mrs Patience Jonathan owns MT Patience cargo ships 1-10 that are involved in oil bunkering at the Forcados Terminal, Brass in Port Harcourt and other oil producing States in the Niger Delta. These gigantic marine tankers don’t have wings with which they fly. They are regularly being escorted by the Nigerian navy and other security apparatus across the coastal lines. Nigeria is Africa’s largest oil producer, accounting for more than two million barrels per day. But from investigation, more than 4 million barrel per day is produced, but only two million is accounted for. Even the Nigeria Liquified Gas, NLG is not left out of this bizarre business.

Speaking during a visit of the Association of Enigies from Edo South to him yesterday, Oshiomhole said, “Over the past 18 months, we have not shared the excess crude account and yet, the account is empty. Sometimes we are told they have taken money from it to fund subsidies including subsidy on kerosene but your royal highnesses, there is nowhere in your various domains where kerosene is sold for N50. So in the name of subsidy, large sums of money are being stolen.

“Things are tough now around the country because the Federal Government mismanaged our national resources and what is being stolen, nobody agrees it is being stolen. What is arguable is who is responsible for this stealing. When the Federal Government and the President talk about oil theft and the amount that is allegedly stolen is huge such that whereas we have the capacity to produce about 2.4 million barrels a day, what accrues into the federal government account is less than 1.8 million barrel a day.

“From the last time we had a meeting, the handouts they distributed shows that sometime for a period of two weeks, we were losing as much as 700,000 barrels a day and that has been on for the past twelve years. I am not able to understand why, suddenly, Nigeria cannot protect its territorial waters because the boundaries have not changed and the people are still the same and at the peak of the so-called militancy, we were still exporting about 2 million barrels a day.

“Then how can we explain that after we have resolved the issue of militancy in the Niger Delta, we have rehabilitated the ex-militants and even awarded contracts to them, that we are losing as much crude oil as that to oil thieves and to the best of my knowledge, there is no major known person who has been prosecuted and convicted for oil theft in a way that reflects the magnitude of what is being allegedly stolen.

“What this means is that our budgets have not performed over the past 3 years whereas the budgets have been based on an average of between $77 to $78 and $79 a barrel. The average price of Nigeria’s sweet crude has been around $108 per barrel. That gives a surplus of over $30. Ideally, we ought to be saving $36 per barrel and 2.3 million barrel a day over the past three years and if you look at these numbers you will find that what we have in our excess crude oil account should be over $30billion but as we speak, we have barely $3 billon in our excess crude account.

“Now oil price has dropped to $60 and because we have not saved, the naira is undergoing devaluation. Already as low as N180 per dollar and I believe by February when the elections are over, nobody is going to want to hold the naira. Wherever the election goes, I expect that the naira will hit over N200 per dollar. The inflationary consequence of it is that prices of goods and services will go up and part of the vicious cycle of the devalued naira in the manner that is being done is that the price of petroleum products imported in dollars will go up in naira and government will be asking people who are already poor to pay more money for petroleum products”, Oshiomhole said.

For years to come, Nigeria will lie outside the main stream of countries whose economy recharged itself by their Leaders’ commitment to development. The oil price fall is so devastating that it will take Nigeria several years of redirection and diversification to recover from it. Unfortunately, President Jonathan’s cringers and lickspittles belief nations grows naturally. There are no naturally grown nations; they stemmed or are forged from leaders with the intellectual capabilities to think through policy frame work. Savage corruption gives birth to political backwardness, economic stagnation and decimates its currencies.

The singular act of surging corruption will set Nigeria apart from and behind the other aspiring developing countries. Nigeria which has become a problem child of the globe, a nation of gifted, vigorous people aided in the past by military caste and by great intellectuals suddenly embraces an uncanny passion for unbridled corruption. The President couldn’t bring his earlier taunted virtues – modesty, toughness, forbearance and a blunt brute into collision with the treasury looters in his government and crush them into pieces.

President Jonathan has brought Nigeria into an artificially stabilised state at a medieval level of confusion and weakness. He could not fight Boko Haram insurgents, nor stop finical haemorrhage, or crude oil theft. His government depicts a logical failure of all that had gone before – or at least of all that had been glorious! The President has pulled himself up by his own bootstraps.

The Otuoke man rarely litters his mind on the crazy patchwork nation whose intermittent socio-economic status broadly reduces her stance in the comity of nations aspiring to become one of the largest economies in the world by 2020. Perhaps, our President needs to read Nietzsche in which Thus Spake Zarathustra was written: “I say unto you: it is the good war which halloweth every cause. War and courage have done more great things than charity”. Nigerians must make the right choice and resolve the nation’s leadership question in next year’s February election before insanity closes down our minds.

Erasmus Ikhide writes in from Lagos, Nigeria as excerpted from TheElites

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FAKE: Muslim Youths Didn’t Protect Christians On Christmas Day — CAN

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Kaduna State debunked reports that some Muslims protected Christians during Christmas celebration.

It would be recalled that earlier this week it was provided that 200 Muslim youths took part in Kaduna church services to protect Christians. The move was reportedly aimed at strengthening peaceful coexistence between the two groups.

However December 31, Reverend Sunday Ibrahim, the secretary of the Kaduna State chapter of CAN, made the refutation in a statement, Sahara Reported informs.

He disclosed that unlike claimed, the usual security agents were drafted for this mission.

“It has become imperative for us to clarify this falsehood and confusion in local and international media. Many of our members have been calling and asking questions whether a Church was protected from being attacked by Muslims in [the] Sabo area on Christmas day? And we said it is not true, and we don’t want people to create panic and dishing out [an] inciting story.”

CAN representative added that there was not a single church of 600 that was protected by Muslims on Christmas.

“..no record of any Church in Sabon Tasha, Barnawa and environs out of the over 400 Churches that was protected by Muslims. Sabon Tasha is a 100 percent Christian-dominated area, and how will Muslims come from Rigasa and Tudun Wada to protect a Church in Sabon Tasha?”

Ibrahim said that they didn’t mind introducing such an initiative, but insisted that fake stories should not take place and bring confusion.

“We are not against any peace initiative as we are working with Jama’atu Nasril Islam for peace. However we are not aware of this fabricated story from any Church, security agencies, military, police and the SSS capable of creating confusion.”

On the festive day Muslims visited a Christian pastor to celebrate with him, but not protect a church, the shed the light on the situation adding that not a single church was under threat on Christmas.

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HAPPY!* NEW !* YEAR! *! *! *!

May light always be around you,
Hope always surround you. 
May your wounds fade out,
Heart embrace kindness, love and wisdom. 
May smile :) never leave your lips and a healthy glow stay on
your cheeks. :*

May all your desires turn true; This is my
New Year Wish for you! <3

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